Locations of all resources in the game

Ark Lost Island is a survival game, meaning collecting resources and fighting all the adversities are its two most significant aspects. And without the resources, players cannot make essential materials to survive against natural calamities and dangerous creatures.

Resources are needed for everything from quenching thirst to controlling hunger to making bases to taming creatures to making weapons.

There might be an abundance of most kinds of resources on the map, but collecting them is tricky because not every resource location is very accessible. Also, not every such site has enough of those resources there, so users might just end up wasting their time.

Not every resource's location is safe to discover at an early stage of the game because of the dangerous creatures present. There are also a few resources that are very rare to find.

All resources locations on Ark Lost Island

1) Black Pearls:

All the black pearl locations are over the seabed. One of the best black pearl locations is 55.7, 71, the Artifact of Cunning Cave. After the easily accessible entrance, on the first opening of the cave, gamers can see a lake.

It also has plenty of black pearls. Another location is the Artifact of Strong cave at 26.3, 54.5, but players must beware of the hostile creatures there.

2) Cactus:

At 78.2, 65.3, in the desert, users can get lots of cacti. It's not just the specific location, as cacti are spread around the whole desert part of the map. Gamers can farm plenty of sap from those cacti.

3) Cementing Paste

There are many locations and ways to get lots of cementing paste in Ark Lost Island. It can normally be crafted using a chemistry bench or mortar pestle. Still, there are more efficient ways, like hitting Meganeuras and Titanomyrmas using Beelzebufo or building an Achatina Paste farm.

Scavenging beaver dams, etc. Plenty of beaver dams can be seen at the bottom right part of the map, where the rivers meet the sea and form three islands.

4) Chitin

In 37.1, 32.6, the land at the bottom of the waterfall is filled with Arthropluera and other bugs. It's a great place to farm chitin. Gamers can use Megatherium to farm a lot of chitin from here.

After killing one bug, Megatherium's bug buff activates, dealing 4x damage to bugs, making this task a lot easier.

5) Crystal

The best crystal spawning location on the Lost Island map is the snow cave at 30.5, 52.5. After passing the entrance and taking the left tunnel from the first clearing, users can get a lot of crystals.

6) Gems

Gamers can get red, blue, and green gems spawned separately, scattered around the entire Lost Island map. But there is one place where they all generate together.

Players must have scuba gear for this, as this location is 21, 17.8 underwater cave. Inside a small air pocket room in the cave, one can see all three kinds of gems spawned together.

7) Metal

There are quite a few places where metals spawn, generally at the top of the mountains or around them. At 60, 60, there's a mountain spawning many good-quality metal nodes.

At 89, 70 desert biome, users can find a lot of metal on and around the mountain. It is also the largest metal spawning spot on the entire Lost Island map.

Those living in the snow castle can go to a nearby snow mountain at 38, 38. There will be a tiny amount of rich metal nodes.

8) Obsidian

At 59, 47.5 again, players must dive underwater to find the cave. After entering, they will get welcomed by some silicas.

Taking the left tunnel, they will see another opening, where lots of black pearls, especially obsidians, reside.

9) Oil

Another resource found under the sea is oil, needed to make gasoline and many industrial buildings. At 31.5, 24, under a lake, lots of oil veins can be found. This place is not too deep, and many oil veins spawn here at a close density.

10) Polymer

Gamers can craft polymers using a fabricator, but farming organic polymers is the easiest way to get polymer in Ark Lost Island. For easy organic polymer farming, they have to come to the desert biome at 81.0, 53.8.

A lot of Mantises spawn in this area, and users can use Wyvern to kill them quickly and harvest a lot of organic polymers. Another way to get organic polymers is to harvest them from penguins.

Around 40, 43 on a lake in the snow biome, many penguins spawn. Smaller penguins give even more polymers.

11) Silica:

Silica pearl is a must-need resource to craft advanced items and electronics. Users must go to 35.4, 88 near the eastern world border of the map and dive under the sea to get a hefty amount of silica pearls.

The other location is 11.9, 43.1. Diving down from here, players can see a canyon-like rock formation underwater. Between the two rocks, there will be a lot of silica pearls.

12) Silk

Silk is a valuable material needed to make tents and whips. At 78.2, 65.3, the same location as the cacti, silk can be found. Gamers can either kill Lymantria and harvest silk from them or go to the islands at 78.0, 41.3 to find the silk plants.

13) Sulfur

At 24.3, 59.5, on a cliff near the lava river is a place full of rich resources like sulfur crystals. One must stay clear of the Wyverns, as many Wyvern nests spawn here.

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